Tax Problems

We are Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA, CA’s) with extensive experience in dealing with the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) on behalf of our clients.  If you haven’t filed a tax return for years and are concerned about the consequences and not certain as to how to deal with cleaning up your past, we will review your options with you and determine if a Voluntary Disclosure Program application would be viable.  If not, we will discuss other alternatives with you to assist in making your tax problems go away in a timely and effective manner.  To the date of writing, we have had a 100% success rate on  all Voluntary Disclosure Program applications filed for our clients over the past decade.  We know what the CRA is looking for and we can help you achieve success on your Voluntary Disclosure Program application.  Connect with us today to discuss how we can assist you with your Voluntary Disclosure.

If you require assistance in dealing with the CRA concerning a tax audit or review, we can add tremendous value as we are Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA, CA’s) with in-depth knowledgeable in tax and in dealing with the CRA.  The CRA respects us.  We have a long standing relationship with the CRA in dealing successfully with our client’s tax problems.  Call us to have us represent you in your CRA dealings.

Click the link of interest below for further information on dealing with the CRA, Voluntary Disclosure Program (i.e. Haven’t filed a tax return in years) or if you require professional advice and representation for a CRA audit or review.

Dealing with Canada Revenue Agency

Haven’t Filed Tax Returns in Years / Voluntary Disclosure Program (VDP)

Canada Revenue Agency Audits